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Franjo Saric

Senior Associate


+61 2 9234 4642

Franjo has worked almost exclusively in medical law for the entirety of his legal career. He has acted on behalf of both plaintiffs and defendants in civil proceedings both in New South Wales and interstate, and on behalf of medical and allied health professionals in regulatory matters.


Franjo is an experienced practitioner, joining Moray & Agnew in August 2023. Prior to his admission in 2017, he worked for a boutique firm litigating personal injury matters. As an admitted solicitor, he worked almost exclusively in medical negligence litigation on behalf of plaintiffs for a national law firm.  In 2021, Franjo moved to a leading national law firm specialising in commercial insurance.

He defends clients including medical practitioners, allied health professionals, hospitals, and clinics, from both civil litigation and regulatory investigation and prosecution.

Franjo is methodical in his approach and has a very keen eye for detail. His advisory work always contains a complex analysis of all relevant potential outcomes arising from adverse or potentially adverse medical events, with practical yet nuanced recommendations and strategies for defence.

Franjo is an experienced advocate and has appeared in the Supreme and District Courts of New South Wales, the Supreme and Magistrates Courts of the Australian Capital Territory, and before various Medical Councils.


Franjo has regularly achieved excellent outcomes for medical practitioners and allied health professionals in both the civil and regulatory spaces.



  • Master of Laws, 2020, University of Sydney
  • Bachelor of Laws, 2016, Macquarie University
  • Bachelor of Commerce, 2016, Macquarie University


  • Law Society of New South Wales