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Nicholas Sullivan



+61 3 8687 7372

Nick is an experienced insurance litigator specialising in property damage claims. He has acted for and advised a number of domestic home and contents, building, landlord and tenant, commercial and motor insurers.


Nick has extensive experience handling property damage recoveries, particularly those involving product liability and consumer law. He has managed numerous claims against various prominent international manufacturers and major retailers initiated under the provisions of the former Trade Practices Act 1974 (Cth) and Australian Consumer Law. He has developed strategies to most effectively and efficiently manage such claims, and has a strong record of achieving quick commercial outcomes for his clients. His clients include several leading Australian domestic home and contents, building, landlord and tenant, commercial and motor insurers.

Nick also has experience advising on and defending policy wording / indemnity disputes and defending property damage claims on behalf of liability insurers.

Nick’s expertise includes assisting both niche insurers and some of the largest Australian insurers to develop and improve systems to identify recovery opportunities, increase recovery revenue and improve turnaround times on claims. He regularly presents training seminars for claims teams, assessing and investigation teams, as well as management groups.

Nick understands the commercial objectives of his clients and is experienced in working collaboratively with each client in order to achieve their preferred outcomes. This includes meeting financial objectives, tailoring advice to suit the understanding of the individual and striving to support and promote the insurer’s customer focus.


Examples of Nick’s experience include:

  • Achieving a favourable outcome and significant cost penalty against a large manufacturer of whitegoods in a claim arising from a house fire
  • Successfully managing numerous claims and negotiating favourable outcomes against a specific manufacturer of products which were subject to national product recalls
  • Achieving a full recovery against a manufacturer of an evaporative cooler, which was more than 10 years old, following a total loss house fire
  • Negotiating a favourable recovery for storm damage caused by defective workmanship, which the builder alleged was caused by a weather event
  • Advising on the management and settlement of multiple insurance claims and policy wording disputes arising from a natural disaster with the potential to attract unfavourable media attention
  • Successfully defending a policy wording / indemnity dispute arising from a claim for damage caused by soil movement, which was placed expeditiously before the insurance list of the Supreme Court of Victoria.



  • Bachelor of Laws (Hons), 2007, Victoria University
  • Bachelor of Business (Management), 2007, Victoria University


  • Law Institute of Victoria