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Julian Minter

Senior Associate


+61 3 8687 7374

Julian is an experienced and determined commercial litigator who has successfully advised clients on a broad range of litigious and non-litigious disputes. These include commercial, contractual, property, construction, insolvency and restructuring, and regulatory compliance matters.


Julian has a broad range of experience acting for various clients in disputed matters. 

He has acted for developers, builders, agriculturalists and various types of business owners in litigated and non-litigated matters.

Julian has appeared in the Federal Court and Federal Circuit Court of Australia, the Queensland, NSW and Victorian Supreme Courts, the County Court, VCAT and the Magistrates Court and works with Counsel on a regular basis.

A determined and tenacious lawyer, Julian works hard for his clients to achieve the best commercial outcomes.

Given the diverse range of clients Julian has advised and represented, he understands that unique legal issues require unique and tailored legal solutions to ensure each client’s particular needs and requirements are met.


Julian’s experience includes:

  • Acting in a high-profile Supreme Court dispute trial regarding shadow directorship allegations.
  • Representing clients against the ACCC and other regulatory bodies.
  • Acting in contested Supreme Court proceedings for an international health product supplier, defending a statutory demand for in excess of $10M AUD which matter involved multiple international jurisdictions and conflict of laws arguments.
  • Acting in Supreme Court proceedings regarding the appointment of a Manager to a Victorian law firm by the Victorian Legal Services Board and successfully having the Manager removed and the law firm returned to the client in a short amount of time.
  • Conducting negotiations on behalf of clients in relation to property development contracts and agreements.
  • Acting for trustees in bankruptcy in the administration of bankrupt estates.
  • Acting for and advising a large national construction client, being a Principal to D&C contract, in Supreme Court proceedings against a former contractor (and associated issues regarding the fallout of the terminated contract).
  • Acting for a publicly listed company in Supreme Court proceedings regarding the breach of an agreement for the provision of marketing and advertising services.
  • Successfully defending a claim for the return of water rights in the Supreme Court for an agricultural client, based on a disputed oral agreement made a number of years ago.
  • Acting for clients in partnership disputes and shareholder oppression matters.
  • Advising clients in corporate restructuring and insolvency matters.



  • Bachelor of Laws, 2013, Queensland University of Technology


  • Law Institute of Victoria