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Diane Prichard

Special Counsel


+61 2 8651 4736

Diane is a highly skilled litigation lawyer with over 20 years’ post admission experience. Diane has conducted an extensive range of matters in multiple jurisdictions.

During 2006 to 2018, Diane practised primarily in the areas of commercial litigation and insolvency.

Diane now practises in defendant personal injury litigation, with a particular focus on workers compensation and injury management disputes, work injury damages and common law actions, s151Z recovery actions, contractual and indemnity disputes in workers compensation actions and concurrent public liability matters.


Diane has conducted an extensive range of matters in multiple jurisdictions. Diane has been involved in large-scale litigation matters requiring review and management of heavy document-based cases. She is able to provide useful input in relation to the strategic direction of matters. Diane is experienced in drafting witness statements, pleadings and affidavits.

Diane is motivated to satisfy clients’ requirements by providing practical and commercial solutions, in an efficient and well-communicated manner, while still applying the relevant legal issues and managing the court process.

Her dedication to managing and servicing clients and building long term relationships is appreciated by her clients.


A recent example of Diane’s experience in workers compensation includes:

  • Michael Ceccato v Australian Steel Mills Pty Ltd – Acted on behalf of the employer and workers compensation insurer in Workers Compensation Commission proceedings in a claim for compensation involving a psychological injury. The matter was determined by Arbitrator McDonald on 28 April 2020 with an award in favour of the respondent on the s11A defence with regards to the provision of employment benefits. The claimant’s appeal was refused by Deputy President Snell on 14 September 2020. The claimant has currently lodged an application for reconsideration.



  • Bachelor of Arts, 1982, University of NSW
  • Bachelor of Laws, 1986, University of NSW
  • Master of Laws, 2006, University of NSW


  • Law Society of New South Wales