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Celia Farrell

Special Counsel


+61 7 3225 5984 0427 000 425

Celia is a highly experienced personal injuries litigator with over 25 years of experience, specialising in Compulsory Third Party (CTP) defendant insurance for the last 20 years. Celia provides detailed advice in a pragmatic and timely manner, with a focus on early and effective resolution for clients.


Celia has a comprehensive knowledge of compulsory third party insurance and regularly advises on all aspects relating to this area. She has extensive experience in managing claims, including catastrophic and fraudulent matters.

Celia takes a detail oriented and analytical approach at the outset to allow for early resolution in an effective manner for clients.

She has excellent communication and negotiation skills in addition to extensive mediation experience.


Celia has been involved in numerous hearings, including a major loss of consortium and personal injuries catastrophic claim involving spinal injuries sustained at a Queensland theme park, defending a CTP claim in a quantum trial involving a plaintiff who provided substantial embellishment of his economic loss and whose evidence was found to be unreliable and an application in which a claim by a plaintiff without capacity was dismissed.


Celia has been recognised as a Recommended Lawyer in Compulsory Third Party Insurance (Defendant) in Queensland by Doyle’s Guide.



  • Bachelor of Laws, 1995 Queensland University of Technology
  • Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice, 1996 Queensland University of Technology


  • Queensland Law Society