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Laura Andersen

Senior Associate


+61 3 8399 6113

Laura is an experienced litigator with particular experience in acting for and advising insurers in general insurance matters (including recovery and settlements, fraud and indemnity), life insurance and superannuation disputes, public liability and product liability matters, professional indemnity matters and compulsory third party insurance matters.

Experience & Expertise

Laura has worked for a life insurer as a key fund contact on group claims and a secondment with a superannuation trustee, providing legal advice and support to their trustee services and external dispute resolution teams. She has conducted other major litigation such as class actions and claims involving catastrophic injuries.

Laura’s other experience includes:

  • Conducting insurance litigation in Victoria, Queensland and Western Australia
  • Preparing detailed advice and submissions in relation to Australian Financial Complaints Authority complaints
  • Successfully defending a claim at first instance and on appeal, the result of which solidified the interpretation and application of the Civil Liability Act 2003 (Qld) to CTP claims arising out of an injury sustained in the course of employment and to ‘journey claims’
  • Successfully defending a claim for a pure psychiatric injury which resulted in an award of nil for future economic loss
  • Assisting with the drafting of insurance policies and advising on complex insurance coverage and trust deeds
  • Defending total and permanent disability, income protection and death claims
  • Managing catastrophic injury claims
  • Defending a range of claims against insured professionals including accountants and auditors, real estate agents, pharmacists, valuers and body corporate managers.
  • Managing a range of insurance matters involving multiple issues such as indemnity, parties’ obligations and rights under policies, non-disclosure, misrepresentation, duty of utmost good faith and fraud and encompassing application of the common law as well as the Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth).

Laura is a strong negotiator and frequently represents her clients at mediations and pre-hearing conferences. She is also passionate about continued learning and has recently completed a Master of Laws with a specific focus on civil litigation and alternate dispute resolution.



  • Master of Laws, 2020, The University of Queensland (Dean’s Honour Roll)
  • Bachelor of Laws, 2012, Queensland University of Technology


  • Australian Professional Indemnity Group
  • Law Institute of Victoria
  • Australasian Life Underwriting and Claims Association