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Emma Maclean

Senior Associate


+61 8 6317 0445

Emma has over 10 years’ experience in insurance litigation. Her expertise extends from workers compensation and dispute resolution advice/representation to common law claims, recoveries, policy interpretation and indemnity disputes.


Emma’s experience includes:

  • Advising insurers and self-insured entities in relation to workers’ compensation claims
  • Advising and defending various religious and non-religious institutions in relation to common law claims for compensation arising from historical child sexual abuse
  • Advising on multi-party actions in the District Court with multiple defendants and third party proceedings
  • Acting as instructing solicitor in preparation for trial at the District Court and negotiating informal resolutions prior to trial at pre-trial conferences and mediations
  • Appearing at the District Court for originating summons hearings and interlocutory proceedings
  • Appearing at WorkCover for conciliation conferences, directions hearings, pre-arbitration conferences and costs assessments.

Emma is highly regarded for her technical advice and proactive and commercial approach to achieving favourable, cost-effective outcomes for her clients.



  • Bachelor of Laws, 2012, Murdoch University
  • Bachelor of Commerce (Professional Accounting), 2012, Murdoch University
  • Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice, 2013, College of Law


  • Law Society of Western Australia
  • Australian Insurance Law Association