A Win for Owners: Proportionate Liability and the Design and Building Practitioners Act - A Win for Owners: Proportionate Liability and the Design and Building Practitioners Act Payments Made to a Superannuation Fund – Are They Safe From the Bankruptcy Trustee? - Ordinarily, a bankrupt’s superannuation is not available to the bankruptcy trustee as property divisible to the bankrupt’s creditors. However, the Bankruptcy Act 1966 (Cth) (Act) allows the trustee to claw back certain payments made to the bankrupt’s superannuation fund in certain circumstances. Security of Payment: A Win for Claimants, but Adjudication Tougher than Ever for Respondents - The NSW Court of Appeal has unanimously rejected previous authority under the Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 1999 (NSW) (Act) to the effect that the burden of a Claimant at adjudication is now significantly lighter.