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Timothy Skinner

Senior Associate


+61 2 9234 4694

Timothy has been a part of our Compulsory Third Party (CTP) insurance team since joining Moray & Agnew as a paralegal in 2016. He is now a Senior Associate in our Catastrophic Claims team in Sydney.


Timothy advises CTP Insurers in relation to a range of complex indemnity, liability and quantum issues arising from motor vehicle accident claims.

Timothy regularly prepares and manages CTP claims on behalf of Insurer clients before the Personal Injury Commission, District Court of NSW and Supreme Court of NSW.

He has acted in wide a range of CTP matters with experience navigating complicated medical disputes with causation and apportionment issues, catastrophic claims (traumatic brain injuries, spinal injuries and psychiatric injuries), contentious liability matters, complex economic loss claims, recovery claims and administrative review proceedings.

Timothy regularly appears on behalf of clients in various alternative dispute resolution forums, including informal settlement conferences and mediations. He also has extensive experience advocating on behalf of clients in the Personal Injury Commission as well as the District and Supreme Courts of NSW.



  • Bachelor of Laws, 2018, University of Technology Sydney
  • Bachelor of Business, 2018, University of Technology Sydney
  • Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice, 2019, College of Law NSW


  • Law Society of New South Wales