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Chelsea Farry

Special Counsel


+61 7 3225 5969

Chelsea specialises in the defence of both minor and major Compulsory Third Party (CTP) claims, including those involving issues of fraud, on behalf of major insurers.

Experience & Expertise

Chelsea has a strong background in the field of personal injury, having worked for defendant insurance firms for more than a decade, including whilst completing her law degree. Her employment with Moray & Agnew began in 2013 and she was admitted as a lawyer shortly thereafter.

Chelsea works in our Brisbane CTP team and specialises in the defence of compulsory third party claims on behalf of various major insurers in Queensland. She has developed detailed understanding of all relevant legislation including the Motor Accident Insurance Act 1994 (Qld), Civil Liability Act 2003 (Qld) and the Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 (Qld).

Chelsea’s day to day practice involves defending claims with a range of liability, quantum and indemnity issues. Chelsea has a particular interest in matters where issues of fraud are raised and is well known for her attention to detail, investigative and research skills which have assisted clients to achieve early and favourable resolution of disputes including claimant’s not proceeding with claims. These skills have also assisted with receiving favourable outcomes in interlocutory applications and trials in the Magistrates Court of Queensland and District Court of Queensland.

Chelsea is focused on cost effective and timely resolution of matters, particularly through alternative dispute resolution. Her thorough and practical approach to file management helps her to achieve positive outcomes for her clients.



  • Bachelor of Laws, 2012, Griffith University
  • Bachelor of International Business, 2012, Griffith University
  • Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice, 2013, Queensland University of Technology


  • Queensland Law Society