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Gary King

Senior Associate


+61 7 3225 5987

Gary is a skilled general liability insurance lawyer who specialises in the infrastructure, construction and mining sectors. He has in-depth experience across all applicable legislative regimes in Queensland and defends matters at every stage of the claims process, including through to settlement conferences, at mediations, and at trial.

Experience & Expertise

Gary regularly acts in defence of litigated personal injury and property damage claims. He is an experienced court advocate with conduct of a range of public liability matters, including claims arising from major projects, mine sites, road upgrade works and retail and commercial fit outs. His repeated exposure to project-based claims allows him to have a detailed understanding of construction projects and the related contracts and chain of contractors. 


Gary is a sensible and approachable operator with excellent communication skills that ensure he is on the same page as his clients, regardless of the complicated nature of matters.



  • Bachelor of Laws (Hons), 2014, Bond University
  • Bachelor of Arts, 2014, Bond University
  • Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice, 2015, College of Law


  • Australian Professional Indemnity Group
  • Queensland Law Society