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Abhinav Sharma

Senior Associate


+61 3 8399 6189

Abhinav is an insolvency and litigation lawyer who specialises in corporate restructuring and turnaround, insolvency investigations, recoveries and litigation.


Abhinav regularly advises and acts for insolvency practitioners, lenders and secured creditors in contentious and non-contentious matters in relation to both personal insolvency and corporate insolvency across a number of industries.

Abhinav also has experience managing complex commercial disputes in superior jurisdictions including the Supreme Courts of Victoria, NSW, WA and Queensland as well as the Federal Court of Australia.

Examples of matters Abhinav has acted and advised in include:

  • Acting for a secured creditor (also the DOCA proponent) in relation to the restructure of a formerly ASX listed company.
  • Acting for a range of lenders in relation to the recovery of secured debts including mortgage recovery and judicial sale applications.
  • Acting for the liquidators of two large public companies in relation to a claim against a former director for insolvent trading.
  • Acting for liquidators in relation to an application in the Federal Court seeking asset preservation orders.
  • Acting on behalf of an ASX listed company to defend a claim for uncommercial transactions.
  • Acting for the liquidators in large scale public examination proceedings.
  • Providing advice in relation to mortgages and securities, with a particular focus on priority disputes and the operation of the Personal Property Securities Act 2009 (Cth).



  • Master of Laws, 2016, Australian National University
  • Bachelor of Laws, 2014, Murdoch University