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Bilal Katar

Senior Associate


+61 3 8687 7305

Bilal specialises in insurance law, with a strong focus on litigated property damage and personal injury matters.

Bilal has advised several leading Australian and international insurers on a vast range of matters involving complex indemnity and liability issues. 


Over the course of his career, Bilal has represented insurers in a range of complex multi-party litigated claims across most Australian jurisdictions, achieving outstanding results.

Bilal also acts for government clients in personal injury matters.

Bilal’s practice focuses on achieving commercially beneficial outcomes for his clients, implementing pragmatic and highly strategic approaches. Bilal prefers to adopt a ‘cut to the chase’ approach; exploring innovative ways to reach early resolution of matters.

Throughout his career, Bilal has developed a strong expertise in complex property damage claims, acting for insurers in both subrogated recovery claims and liability claims. Bilal’s practice has a particular focus on matters relating to:

  • Domestic Building Contracts Act 1995 (Vic)
  • Water Act 1989 (Vic)
  • Tort (negligence, nuisance)
  • Breach of Contract
  • Australian Consumer Law

Bilal’s practice also has a strong focus on advising his insurer clients in relation to complex indemnity/policy response issues. To that end, Bilal has deep expertise in relation to the Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth) and works closely with his clients to ensure that all issues relevant to policy response are considered.

Bilal’s practice also involves personal injury defence work. He regularly acts for insurers and Government clients in a vast range of personal injury matters, both litigated and non-litigated. Having previously worked at a plaintiff personal injury firm earlier in his career, Bilal has developed deep insight into both ends of personal injury practice, which equips him with a strategic edge.


Bilal's major accomplishments include:

  • Has recovered millions of dollars for his insurer clients over the course of his career, in subrogated claims; many of which achieved 100% recoveries at the pre-proceeding stage.
  • Recently acted for a major insurer whereby he resolved a complex multi-party matter involving significant property damage to a prominent skyscraper in Melbourne. An 80% recovery was achieved, without commencing proceedings, despite there being complex liability and apportionment issues.
  • Acted for two young high school students who were victims of violent crimes whilst at school. HQE v Victims of Crime Assistance Tribunal (Review and Regulations) [2021] VCAT 722. VCAT originally denied ongoing safety-related expenses to the children. With the assistance of Counsel, Bilal successfully appealed this decision at VCAT, by relying on alternative provisions within the Victims of Crime Assistance Act 1996 (Vic) to satisfy the Tribunal that the students had proper basis to claim the safety-related expenses. The amount awarded to the students was the highest at the time for such expenses.



  • Bachelor of Laws, 2017, Australian Catholic University