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Sophie Cooper

Senior Associate


+61 9234 4621

Sophie practices in our general insurance team and has experience across a broad range of areas including personal injury, public liability and abuse law.


Sophie has extensive experience defending unlitigated and litigated claims predominantly on behalf of insurers of Government Agencies in New South Wales and the appellate jurisdiction of the High Court of Australia.

She has comprehensive experience acting in a range of insurance and government matters, including public liability claims, personal injury claims, abuse claims, coronial inquests and inquiries, intentional tort claims and motor vehicle (property damage) claims.

As a result of her extensive experience working on behalf of Government Agencies, Sophie is skilled in managing sensitivities involved public and high profile matters including managing political, media and/or reputational risks. Sophie’s experience in acting on behalf of government insureds has been bolstered through her secondment with a major NSW Government department.

Sophie’s organisation, efficiency and attention to detail ensures the delivery of prompt, comprehensive and high quality strategy and advice to her clients.   


Her experience includes:

  • Acting on behalf of regulator(s) in multiple coronial inquests and inquiries
  • Advising on and defending claims against institutions in respect of allegations of physical and sexual abuse suffered by children in the insured(s) care. Experience assessing damages under both damages regimes – Civil Liability Act 2002 (NSW) and common law.
  • Acting in numerous personal injury claims including serious physical and psychiatric injuries, including multi-party claims and s151Z claims
  • Acting for government insured in respect of multiple serious complaints of illness caused by alleged exposure to mould. Successfully provided advice in respect of liability exposure and managed pre-litigation risks.
  • Providing advice on liability exposure of an insured in respect of possible future personal injury claims arising out of the illegal dumping of asbestos materials by a third party on the insured’s premises. Claim involved managing interactions with regulatory agencies including SafeWork NSW and the EPA.
  • Advising and acting in claims in which infant approval and offenders in custody (Part 2A) provisions apply
  • Advising on complex issues of disclosure and release of information under the Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 2005 (NSW), Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and environmental protection legislation. Also provided advice on complex issues of discovery, privilege, confidentiality and consent around disclosure.
  • Acting on behalf of multiple government insureds in motor vehicle accident claims in the Local Court of NSW.


Sophie is a member of the Moray & Agnew Gender Reference Committee.



  • Bachelor of Arts in Communication (Social Inquiry), 2012, University of Technology, Sydney
  • Bachelor of Arts in International Studies, 2012, University of Technology, Sydney
  • Juris Doctor, 2016, University of Sydney
  • Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice, 2016, College of Law


  • NSW Claims Discussion Group
  • Law Society of New South Wales
  • Congressional Youth Leadership Council (Washington D.C.)
  • Australian Professional Indemnity Group