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Anna Karanikolas

Special Counsel


+61 3 8372 1117 0409 241 628

Anna is a senior lawyer with considerable experience in personal injuries litigation having been focused on this area since 2001.


She has extensive litigation experience in private practice acting for a statutory authority and self-insurers, as well as plaintiffs. Anna’s experience also includes a role as inhouse Senior Legal Counsel with WorkSafe Victoria advising on significant legislative reform as well as enterprise and policy issues.

Anna has acted and advised in a range of personal injury claims. These have involved common law, administrative law and statutory construction in an early resolution setting as well as trials in multiple jurisdictions.

Anna defends litigation brought against the State of Victoria, its commercial enterprises and her practice includes personal injury local government litigation.

Anna is uniquely placed to appreciate the ‘bigger picture’ with high-volume litigation, developing strategies for minimising quantum as well as efficiencies to better meet the expectations of clients, insurers, stakeholders and claimants.


Through her forensic analysis of evidence and application of sound judgment, Anna has successfully defended multiple claims for damages as well as contribution proceedings.


WorkSafe Victoria – Legal Panel Recognition Award (2019)



  • Bachelor of Laws, 1999, Monash University
  • Bachelor of Economics, 1999, Monash University


  • Law Institute of Victoria