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Nicole Wroblewski

Senior Associate


+61 3 8399 6169 0474 835 024

Nicole has substantial experience in insurance-related matters, particularly public liability claims and the defence of personal injury cases.


Nicole’s core practice centres on insurance litigation and previously, governance and regulation. Nicole has a strong background in handling diverse insurance matters and excels in providing strategic counsel and navigating complex regulatory landscapes. Her expertise extends to collaborating effectively with both internal and external stakeholders.

Nicole demonstrates a keen understanding of the nuances within insurance litigation. Clients benefit from her strong leadership skills and empathy, contributions to team guidance and development of technical expertise.

As a results-driven solicitor, Nicole possesses diverse experience spanning insurance litigation, governance and regulation. She has demonstrated success in fostering collaborating and long-term relationships with internal and external stakeholders.



  • Bachelor of Arts, 2005, Monash University
  • Bachelor of Laws, 2005, Monash University


  • Women in Insurance
  • Law Institute of Victoria