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Carina Glyde

Senior Associate


+61 2 9234 4570

Carina is a dual qualified lawyer, admitted in both Australia and Ireland. Carina specialises in life insurance matters at Moray and Agnew.


Carina’s life insurance experience extends to both private practice and in-house. This rounded experience has given Carina a strong understanding of client needs and assists her in providing pragmatic and commercially minded legal advice to her clients.

Carina has recently returned from working abroad. During this time she worked for an international law firm in Dublin, Ireland, focusing on all aspects of liability insurance litigation and defamation.

Prior to living in Ireland, Carina’s experience focused on life insurance, workers compensation, public liability and CTP claims.



  • Bachelor of Laws, 2008, University of New England
  • Bachelor of Arts (Political Science), 2008, University of New England


  • Law Society of New South Wales
  • NSW Young Lawyers