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Ellen Ryan

Senior Associate


+61 2 9234 4620 0401 349 236

Ellen is an experienced coverage and litigation lawyer, with a focus on complex professional indemnity and directors’ and officers’ liability class actions. Ellen is also experienced in representing insurers and superannuation trustees in relation to life insurance matters. 


Ellen began her career with Moray & Agnew in 2017, and also worked for an international insurance firm, before re-joining the firm in 2023.

She has extensive experience representing local and international-based insurers in litigated and unlitigated disputes in Australia and overseas. She is passionate about the Australian class action landscape and her primary focus is advising local and international-based insurers on complex coverage matters.

Ellen also acts for insurers and trustees of superannuation funds in relation to group and retail total and permanent disability, income protection and death claims. 


Some of the major cases Ellen has been involved in are:

  • Acting for insurers in relation to claims arising from the Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry and responding to requests in the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety
  • Acting as coverage counsel in relation to major PI and D&O class actions against various financial institutions and their directors and officers
  • Assisting major insurers in relation to claims management of its Financial Lines insurance and local council portfolios
  • Assisting in the representation of individuals and entities the subject of regulatory investigations and criminal prosecutions.
  • Assisting in the advice to an international law firm in relation to negligence and breach of contract claims arising from data breaches
  • Catriona Smith v OnePath Life Limited [2020] NSWSC 1185 – Assisting in the representation of OnePath Life Limited in its successful defence, by establishing fraudulent non-disclosure, in a claim brought by the plaintiff for entitlements to her deceased partner’s death benefit on a life insurance policy
  • Acting in numerous TPD, IP and Death claims where the issue was whether the life insurer and trustee’s decisions were reasonable, based on the materials.


Co-authored Income Protection Paper 2023



  • Bachelor of Arts 2014, University of Sydney
  • Juris Doctor 2017, University of Technology Sydney


  • Australian Professional Indemnity Group