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Shirley Xiang

Special Counsel


+61 2 9234 4571

Shirley is an experienced insurance lawyer, specialising in catastrophic personal injury claims.  


Shirley commenced her legal career managing claims for injured plaintiffs in compulsory third party (CTP), workers compensation, medical negligence, public liability, and victim’s compensation claims. Following her admission in 2015, she maintained her focus on CTP matters and has since developed a unique skillset dealing with claims involving complex and serious injuries, including traumatic brain injuries, spinal injuries, and amputations.

Shirley is highly regarded by her clients and opponents alike as a pragmatic and strategic operator, and has experience advising on and conducting matters in the former CARS and MAS (and now PIC) spheres as well as in the NSW Supreme and District Courts.


Shirley is skilled in advising on and managing all aspects of compulsory third party claims, including those with complex issues of liability, significant exposure, dual insurance, workers compensation recovery, LTCS eligibility, compensation to relatives, nervous shock claims and matters involving cross jurisdictional issues.



  • Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Laws, 2014, Macquarie University
  • Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice


  • Law Society of New South Wales