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Tayla Richards

Pro Bono Lawyer

Aboriginal Legal Service of WA

+61 8 6317 0434

Tayla Richards joined Moray & Agnew’s Commonwealth Compensation team in October 2022.

In December 2023, Tayla commenced a fulltime secondment position with the Aboriginal Legal Service of Western Australia as a lawyer within the Civil Law and Human Rights Unit.

In her secondment role, Tayla provides legal advice and representation to First Nations people in areas of police accountability, prisoner’s rights, government accountability, false imprisonment, battery, racial discrimination, and coronial investigations and inquests. Tayla’s work also includes pursuing policy objectives which promote legislative framework amendments, as well as systemic improvements to police practices and conditions in prisons.

Tayla previously worked as an Associate to a Supreme Court Registrar and a Judicial Support Officer at the Coroner’s Court of Western Australia.

Tayla has also volunteered at a community legal centre assisting in the provision of legal advice and representation for disadvantaged individuals.

Tayla’s diverse background and experience ensures she has an excellent understanding of court procedures, and the need to provide clear, plain English advice, while maintaining positive relationships with clients and stakeholders.



  • Bachelor of Laws Honours
  • Bachelor of Arts


  • Australian Insurance Law Association
  • Law Society of Western Australia