Managing Partner of the Newcastle office of national law firm Moray & Agnew, Newcastle lawyer Sean O’Sullivan, has been named as the 2017 Diversity Champion at this year’s Hunter Diversity Awards.

The Hunter Diversity Awards are an initiative of the Equal Futures Project, a group of local business leaders dedicated to raising awareness and funding to facilitate gender equity in the Hunter. First awarded in 2015, the Awards formally recognise regional diversity champions and celebrate the people and organisations that are making their community fairer, more equitable and more successful.

The Diversity Champion Award recognises Sean’s innovative leadership and strong support for programs implemented in our Newcastle office to promote flexibility, principles of equity, and an inclusive workplace culture.

As Managing Partner of our Newcastle office, Sean has initiated and supported a number of programs with the aim of achieving a more equitable workplace, particularly flexible working arrangements. This has seen a notable increase in the number of women appointed to senior roles within the business. In the last financial year, three of a total of four partner appointments were women. Nearly half of the total partnership – 43% – are women, and all but one work on a part-time basis. Both current and former Moray & Agnew staff have accessed flexible work arrangements, including male and female staff members. The majority of employees who choose flexible work arrangements are those with family responsibilities.

In addition to advocating more flexible work practices and facilitating the promotion of women to positions of leadership, Sean has strongly supported internal women’s networking initiatives. His genuine commitment to the advancement of women in the legal industry and encouragement of flexible work practices for his staff set him apart as a leader within law firms and have made a positive impact on the careers of many of his colleagues.