We combine legal expertise with industry knowledge to support commercial outcomes for our clients.

Chase Deans

    Chase specialises in compulsory third-party insurance, in both the ACT and NSW jurisdictions.

    Prue Loader

      Prue joined Moray & Agnew as a graduate lawyer in January 2007. As a senior insurance lawyer, Prue provides advice and conducts litigation for Australia’s major insurers and self insurers.

      Ben Mason

        Ben specialises in Government and Administrative Law / Public Law. He advises government clients in relation to a range of policy, regulatory, legislation and litigation matters.

        Lara Mynott

          Lara is an experienced insurance litigator and acts for all types of professionals, non-professionals and organisations.

          Vanessa Parkins

            Vanessa has 15 year’s experience in personal injury litigation and currently represents the Commonwealth and ACT Government regarding workers compensation claims under the Safety, Rehabilitation and C ...

            Emma Reilly

              Emma acts in defence of professional indemnity and personal injury insurance claims and for employers and Government in workplace and industrial law matters.

              Lauren Smith

                Lauren is an experienced insurance litigator who has worked across numerous business lines in various jurisdictions, although she primarily practices in the ACT.

                John Solomon

                  John has nearly 30 years’ experience in insurance litigation, predominately acting in CTP matters in both NSW and the ACT for a wide variety of insurers.

                  Jane Thomson

                    Jane is a highly skilled Government advisor specialising in administrative and employment law litigation.

                    Duncan Webber

                      Duncan leads our Canberra property team bringing over 12 years’ experience advising private sector and government clients across Australia on all aspects of property law

                      Roger Hambly

                        Roger Hambly is a leading specialist in ACT workers compensation. His reputation as a skilled and dedicated practitioner is fortified by his 30 years of exclusive industry experience.

                        Brooke Dennington

                          Brooke is an experienced insurance litigator who specialises in ACT workers compensation claims as well as compulsory third party claims arising in both ACT and NSW jurisdictions.

                          Joseph Everdell

                            Joseph acts for both government and private clients, specialising in administrative and public law, litigation, privacy, and workers’ compensation.

                            Victoria Jamieson

                              Victoria is an experienced litigator who works with insurer, private and government clients across a range of areas including public liability, workers compensation and employment law.

                              Christine Neou

                                Christine has extensive litigation experience with a focus on effective case management and positive client relationships. She has represented government and private clients in a range of matters incl ...

                                Rohan Reddy

                                  Rohan has practised in a wide variety of fields including compulsory third party, commercial litigation, property and professional disciplinary matters.